


日期:2020-08-11 点击数: 来源:必赢电子游戏网站


姓名: 蔡勇
职称: 教授
最高学位: 博士
工作地点: bwin必赢登录入口官网 必赢电子游戏网站 吉林省长春市前进大街2699号


1. 染色质结构调控酶复合物的结构及其生物学功能研究; 2. 人染色质结构调控酶在肿瘤发生和发展中的调控机制研究及其肿瘤特异治疗靶向的筛选; 3. 人染色质结构调控酶在干细胞自我更新和分化中的表观遗传学机制研究; 4. 人间充质干细胞(MSC)干性维持和诱导分化的基础研究及其临床转化应用。

教育经历: 1980.7 - 85.7:医学学士 白求恩医科大学 医疗系(现bwin必赢登录入口官网医学部)
1988.9 - 91.8:医学硕士 中国医科大学第一医院 血液内科学
1994.4 - 98.3:医学博士 日本九州大学医学部 临床检查医学研究室
工作经历: 1985.7 - 88.8:住院医师 延边大学附属病院 内科学
1991.9- 94.3:主治医师 延边大学附属病院 血液内科
1998.4- 00.11:外国人特别研究员 日本东京医科齿科大学难治疾病研究所
2000.12-01.5: 博士后 奥克拉荷马医学研究所 (OMRF)(Joan Conaway教授研究室)
2001.6 - 09.8:博士后-研究员 斯托瓦斯研究所(Stowers Institute)(Joan Conaway教授研究室)
荣誉称号: 2009年以唐敖庆特聘教授受聘于必赢电子游戏网站












1. 国家自然科学基金面上项目:组蛋白乙酰基转移酶MOF-NSL与甲基转移酶MLL/SET在基因转录调控中的相互作用及其机制研究,2017.1—2021.12,60万。

2. 国家自然科学基金面上项目:从 HeLa 细胞核抽出物中纯化H2AZ置换活性组分及其生物学功能的研究,2014.1—2017.12,85万。

3. 国家自然科学基金面上项目:人Ino80染色质重塑酶在小鼠胚胎干细胞自我更新以及胚胎发育早期中作用的研究,2012.1—2015.12,60万。

4. 国家自然科学基金面上项目:人Ino80染色质重塑酶的结构及其转录功能的研究2011.1—2013.12,37万。

5. 吉林省科技厅项目:鹿胎盘素的提取技术及其保健功能食品的研发,医药健康产业发展专项,2021.7—2024.6,50万。

6. 吉林省科技厅项目:纤维细胞重编程及转分化为神经干细胞的分子机制研究, 2016.1—2018.12,10万。

7. 吉林省科技厅项目:Ino80染色质重塑酶的结构域功能研究2013年1月—2015年12月,10万。

8. 吉林省科技厅项目:对小鼠胚胎干细胞自我更新以及分化中的作用研究,2014年1月—2016年12月,10万。

9. 湖北省科技厅-中科院科技合作专项, 口服免疫球蛋白生物药品研制,2013年9月—2016年12月,50万。

10. 吉林省政府人才基金项目: 2010年1月—2012年12月,29万。

11. 校企合作项目:吉林拓华生物有限公司,一种新的人胰岛冻存和复苏方法及其生物学活性的检测,2018年6月—2019年6月,12万。

   12. 中科院重点实验室开放课题项目:3项,共计19万。

13. bwin必赢登录入口官网唐敖庆特聘教授启动资金,2009年10—2011年12月100万。


  1. Wei T, Liu H, Zhu H, Chen W, Wu T, Bai Y, Zhang X, Miao Y, Wang F, Cai Y*, Jin J*. Two distinct males absent on the first (MOF)-containing histone acetyltransferases are involved in the epithelial-mesenchymal transition in different ways in human cells. Cell Mol Life Sci. 2022, 79(5):238.

  2. Liu H, Wei T, Sun L, Wu T, Li F, Zhao J, Chu J, Wang F, Cai Y*, Jin J*. The non-specific lethal (NSL) histone acetyltransferase complex transcriptionally regulates Yin Yang 1-mediated cell proliferation in human cells. Int J Mol Sci. 2022, 23(7):3801.

  3. Li Y, Li F, Feng C, Wu T, Chen Y, Shah JA, Wang F, Cai Y, Wang J and Jin Jin*. MiR-372-3p functions as a tumor suppressor in colon cancer by targeting MAP3K2. Front Genet. 2022, 13; 836256.

  4. Yang Y, Zhang L, Xiong C, Chen J, Wang L, Wen Z, Yu J, Chen P, Xu Y, Jin J, Cai Y*, Li G*. HIRA complex presets transcriptional potential through coordinating depositions of the histone variants H3.3 and H2A.Z on the poised genes in mESCs. Nucleic Acids Res. 2022, 50(1):191-206.

  5. Xiang JY, Chi YY, Han JX, Shi X, Cai Y*, Xiang H*, Xie Q*. Intestinal microbiota contributes to the improvement of alcoholic hepatitis in mice treated with schisandra chinensis extract. Front Nutr. 2022, 9:822429.

  6. Rui Y, Su J, Shen S, Hu Y, Huang D, Zheng W, Lou M, Shi Y, Wang M, Chen S, Zhao N, Dong Q, Cai Y, Xu R, Zheng S, Yu XF. Unique and complementary suppression of cGAS-STING and RNA sensing- triggered innate immune responses by SARS-CoV-2 proteins. Signal Transduct Target Ther. 2021, 6(1):123.

  7. Shah JA, Khattak S, Rauf MA, Cai Y, Jin J*. Potential Biomarkers of miR-371-373 Gene Cluster in Tumorigenesis. Life (Basel). 2021, 11(9):984.

  8. Zhu H, Wang Y, Wei T, Zhao X, Li F, Li Y, Wang F, Cai Y*, Jin J*. KAT8/MOF-Mediated Anti-Cancer Mechanism of Gemcitabine in Human Bladder Cancer Cells. Biomol Ther. 2021, 29(2):184-194.

  9. Zhu H, Wei T, Cai Y, Jin J*. Small Molecules Targeting the Specific Domains of Histone-Mark Readers in Cancer Therapy. Molecules. 2020, 25(3):578.

  10. Li Y, Wang Z, Jin J, Zhu SX, He GQ, Li SH, Wang J, Cai Y*. Quercetin pretreatment enhances the radiosensitivity of colon cancer cells by targeting Notch-1 pathway. Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 2020, 523(4):947-953.

  11. Sui Y, Wu T, Li F, Wang F, Cai Y*, Jin J*. YY1/BCCIP Coordinately Regulates P53-Responsive Element (p53RE)-Mediated Transactivation of p21Waf1/Cip1. Int J Mol Sci. 2019, 20(9):2095.

  12. Wang LY, He YX, Li M, Ding J, Sui Y, Conaway JW, Conaway RC, Wang F, Jin J*, Cai Y*. DNA-dependent protein kinase catalytic subunit (DNA-PKcs) contributes to incorporation of histone variant H2A.Z into nucleosomes. Protein Cell. 2019, 10(9):694-699.

  13. Wang L, Zhao T, Wang S, Jin J, Cai Y, Wang F*. Expression, purification, and in vitro mitochondrial interaction analysis of full-length and truncated human tumor suppresser p53. Biosci Biotechnol Biochem. 2019, 83(7):1220-1226.

  14. Zhao L, Li M, Wei T, Feng C, Wu T, Shah JA, Liu H, Wang F, Cai Y*, Jin J*. O-GlcNAc-Modification of NSL3 at Thr755 Site Maintains the Holoenzyme Activity of MOF/NSL Histone Acetyltransfease Complex. Int J Mol Sci. 2019, 21(1):173.

  15. Su J, Rui Y, Lou M, Yin L, Xiong H, Zhou Z, Shen S, Chen T, Zhang Z, Zhao N, Zhang W, Cai Y, Markham R, Zheng S, Xu R, Wei W, Yu XF. HIV-2/SIV Vpx targets a novel functional domain of STING to selectively inhibit cGAS-STING-mediated NF-κB signalling. Nat Microbiol. 2019, 4(12):2552-2564.

  16. Liu J, Lu X, Lou Y, Cai Y, Cui W, Wang J, Nie P, Chen L, Li B, Luo P. Xenogeneic Transplantation of Human Placenta-Derived Mesenchymal Stem Cells Alleviates Renal Injury and Reduces Inflammation in a Mouse Model of Lupus Nephritis. Biomed Res Int. 2019, 2019:9370919.

  17. Sui Y, Li F, Wu T, Ding J, Lu Z, Wang L, Yang Y, Wang F, Zhao L, Zhu H, Wei T, Jin J*, Cai Y*. BCCIP binds to and activates its promoter in a YY1-dependent fashion in HCT116 cells. FEBS J. 2018, 285(16):3026-3040.

  18. Zhao L, Shah JA, Cai Y, Jin J*. 'O-GlcNAc Code' Mediated Biological Functions of Downstream Proteins. Molecules. 2018 Aug 6;23(8):1967. 

  19. Ding J, Yu C, Sui Y, Wang L, Yang Y, Wang F, Yao H, Xing F, Liu H, Li Y, Shah JA, Cai Y*, Jin J*. The chromatin remodeling protein INO80 contributes to the removal of H2A.Z at the p53-binding site of the p21 gene in response to doxorubicin. FEBS J. 2018, 285(17):3270-3285.

  20. Wu D, Cai Y, Jin J*. Potential coordination role between O-GlcNAcylation and epigenetics. Protein Cell. 2017, 8(10):713-723.

  21. Wu D, Zhao L, Feng Z, Yu C, Ding J, Wang L, Wang F, Liu D, Zhu H, Xing F, Conaway JW, Conaway RC, Cai Y*, Jin J*. O-Linked N-acetylglucosamine transferase 1 regulates global histone H4 acetylation via stabilization of the nonspecific lethal protein NSL3. J Biol Chem. 2017, 292(24):10014-25.

  22. Luo L, Cui J, Feng Z, Li Y, Wang M, Cai Y, Wu Y*, Jin J*. Lentiviral-mediated overexpression of KCTD12 inhibits the proliferation of human uveal melanoma OCM-1 cells. Oncol Rep. 2017, 37(2):871-878.

  23. Rui Y, Su J, Wang H, Chang J, Wang S, Zheng W, Cai Y, Wei W, Gordy JT, Markham R, Kong W, Zhang W, Yu XF. Disruption of MDA5-Mediated Innate Immune Responses by the 3C Proteins of Coxsackievirus A16, Coxsackievirus A6, and Enterovirus D68. J Virol. 2017, 91(13):e00546-17.

  24. Jiang D, Wang L, Zhao T, Zhang Z, Zhang R, Jin J, Cai Y, Wang F*. Restoration of the tumor-suppressor function to mutant p53 by Ganoderma lucidum polysaccharides in colorectal cancer cells. Oncol Rep. 2017, 37(1):594-600.

  25. Su J, Sui Y, Ding J, Li F, Shen S, Yang Y, Lu Z, Wang F, Cao L, Liu X, Jin J*, Cai Y*. Human INO80/YY1 chromatin remodeling complex transcriptionally regulates the BRCA2- and CDKN1A-interacting protein (BCCIP) in cells. Protein Cell. 2016, 7(10):749-760.

  26. Fan Z, Li D, Yu X, Zhang Y, Cai Y, Jin J, Yu J*. AIE Luminogen-Functionalized Hollow Mesoporous Silica Nanospheres for Drug Delivery and Cell Imaging. Chemistry. 2016, 22(11):3681-5.

  27. Su J, Wang F, Cai Y, Jin J*. The Functional Analysis of Histone Acetyltransferase MOF in Tumorigenesis. Int J Mol Sci. 2016, 17(1):99.

  28. Wang F, Zhao J, Liu D, Zhao T, Lu Z, Zhu L, Cao L, Yang J, Jin J*, Cai Y*. Capsaicin reactivates hMOF in gastric cancer cells and induces cell growth inhibition. Cancer Biol Ther. 2016, 17(11):1117-1125.

  29. Sardiu ME, Gilmore JM, Groppe BD, Herman D, Ramisetty SR, Cai Y, Jin J, Conaway RC, Conaway JW, Florens L, Washburn MP. Conserved abundance and topological features in chromatin-remodeling protein interaction networks. EMBO Rep. 2015, 16(1):116-26.

  30. Zhu L, Yang J, Zhao L, Yu X, Wang L, Wang F, Cai Y*, Jin J*. Expression of hMOF, but not HDAC4, is responsible for the global histone H4K16 acetylation in gastric carcinoma. Int J Oncol. 2015, 46(6):2535-45.

  31. Qin J, Cong X, Jin J, Chu Z, Gu X*, Cai Y*. Association between MDM2 SNP309 and skin cancer: A meta-analysis of case-control studies. J Dermatol Sci. 2015, 79(2):171-3.

  32. Cao L, Ding J, Dong L, Zhao J, Su J, Wang L, Sui Y, Zhao T, Wang F, Jin J*, Cai Y*. Negative Regulation of p21Waf1/Cip1 by Human INO80 Chromatin Remodeling Complex Is Implicated in Cell Cycle Phase G2/M Arrest and Abnormal Chromosome Stability. PLoS One. 2015, 10(9):e0137411.

  33. Liu D, Wu D, Zhao L, Yang Y, Ding J, Dong L, Hu L, Wang F, Zhao X, Cai Y*, Jin J*. Arsenic Trioxide Reduces Global Histone H4 Acetylation at Lysine 16 through Direct Binding to Histone Acetyltransferase hMOF in Human Cells. PLoS One. 2015, 10(10):e0141014.

  34. Wang J, Guan J, Lu Z, Jin J, Cai Y, Wang C, Wang F. Clinical and tumor significance of tropomyosin-1 expression levels in renal cell carcinoma. Oncol Rep. 2015 Mar;33(3):1326-34.

  35. Li Y, Liu D, Zhou Y, Li Y, Xie J, Lee RJ, Cai Y, Teng L. Silencing of Survivin Expression Leads to Reduced Proliferation and Cell Cycle Arrest in Cancer Cells. J Cancer. 2015, 6(11):1187-94.

  36. Yang J, Zhu L, Cai Y, Suo J, Jin J*. Role of downregulation of galectin-9 in the tumorigenesis of gastric cancer. Int J Oncol. 2014, 45(3):1313-20.

  37. Cao L, Zhu L, Yang J, Su J, Ni J, Du Y, Liu D, Wang Y, Wang F, Jin J*, Cai Y*. Correlation of low expression of hMOF with clinicopathological features of colorectal carcinoma, gastric cancer and renal cell carcinoma. Int J Oncol. 2014, 44(4):1207-14.

  38. Liu X, Cao L, Ni J, Liu N, Zhao X, Wang Y, Zhu L, Wang L, Wang J, Yue Y, Cai Y, Jin J*. Differential BCCIP gene expression in primary human ovarian cancer, renal cell carcinoma and colorectal cancer tissues. Int J Oncol. 2013, 43(6):1925-34.

  39. Wang Y, Zhang R, Wu D, Lu Z, Sun W, Cai Y, Wang C*, Jin J*. Epigenetic change in kidney tumor: downregulation of histone acetyltransferase MYST1 in human renal cell carcinoma. J Exp Clin Cancer Res. 2013, 32(1):8.

  40. Wu D, Zhang R, Zhao R, Chen G, Cai Y*, Jin J*. A novel function of novobiocin: disrupting the interaction of HIF 1αand p300/CBP through direct binding to the HIF1αC-terminal activation domain. PLoS One. 2013, 8(5):e62014.

  41. Liu N, Zhang R, Zhao X, Su J, Bian X, Ni J, Yue Y, Cai Y*, Jin J*. A potential diagnostic marker for ovarian cancer: Involvement of the histone acetyltransferase, human males absent on the first. Oncol Lett. 2013, 6(2):393-400.

  42. Zhao X, Su J, Wang F, Liu D, Ding J, Yang Y, Conaway JW, Conaway RC, Cao L, Wu D, Wu M, Cai Y*, Jin J*. Crosstalk between NSL histone acetyltransferase and MLL/SET complexes: NSL complex functions in promoting histone H3K4 di-methylation activity by MLL/SET complexes. PLoS Genet. 2013, 9(11):e1003940.

  43. Huang K, Jia J, Wu C, Yao M, Li M, Jin J, Jiang C, Cai Y, Pei D, Pan G, Yao H*. Ribosomal RNA gene transcription mediated by the master genome regulator protein CCCTC-binding factor (CTCF) is negatively regulated by the condensin complex. J Biol Chem. 2013, 288(36):26067-26077.

  44. Capotosti F, Guernier S, Lammers F, Waridel P, Cai Y, Jin J, Conaway JW, Conaway RC, Herr W.O-GlcNAc transferase catalyzes site-specific proteolysis of HCF-1. Cell. 2011, 144(3):376-88.

  45. Chen L, Cai Y, Jin J, Florens L, Swanson SK, Washburn MP, Conaway JW, Conaway RC. Subunit organization of the human INO80 chromatin remodeling complex: an evolutionarily conserved core complex catalyzes ATP-dependent nucleosome remodeling. J Biol Chem. 2011, 286(13):11283-9.

  46. Cai Y, Jin J, Swanson SK, Cole MD, Choi SH, Florens L, Washburn MP, Conaway JW, Conaway RC. Subunit composition and substrate specificity of a MOF-containing histone acetyltransferase distinct from the male-specific lethal (MSL) complex. J Biol Chem. 2010, 285(7):4268-72.