


日期:2020-08-11 点击数: 来源:必赢电子游戏网站


姓名: 张勇
职称: 副教授
最高学位: 博士
工作地点: 生命科学楼413室

研究方向: 疫苗佐剂;抗原递送系统
教育经历: 2008—2009年  University of East Anglia,药学院,联合培养博士
2003—2009年  沈阳药科大学,药学院,药物制剂 理学博士
1998—2003年  沈阳药科大学,药学院,药学(日语)理学学士
工作经历: 2017.09—现在       bwin必赢登录入口官网,必赢电子游戏网站,副教授
2012.11—2017.09    bwin必赢登录入口官网,必赢电子游戏网站,讲师
2010.08—2012.08    bwin必赢登录入口官网,必赢电子游戏网站,博士后
荣誉称号: “岛津-华尔达杯”第五届吉林省大学生生命科学创新实验大赛,指导教师二等奖


Selected Publications:

1. Zheng Y, Bian L, Zhao H, Liu Y, Lu J, Liu D, Zhang K, Song Y, Luo Y, Jiang C*, Chen Y, Zhang Y*, Kong W.  Respiratory Syncytial Virus F subunit vaccine with AS02 adjuvant elicits balanced, robust humoral and cellular immunity in BALB/c mice. Front Immunol. (2020), 11:526965

2. Li F, Chen Y, Liu S, Pan X, Liu Y, Zhao H, Yin X, Yu C, Kong W, Zhang Y*. The effect of size, dose, and administration route on zein nanoparticle immunogenicity in BALB/c mice.  Int J Nanomedicine. (2019), 14:9917-9928

3. Chen XR; Li B; Yu JF; Zhang Y; Gu TJ; Zhang Y*; Kong W; Wu YG*. Comparison of four adjuvants revealed for strongest protection against lethal pneumococcal challenge following immunization with PsaA-PspA fusion protein and AS02 as adjuvant. Med Microbiol Immun. (2019), 208(2):215-226.

4. Shi W, Kou YM, Xiao JH, Zhang LJ, Gao F, Kong W, Su WH, Jiang CL*, Zhang Y*. Comparison of immunogenicity, efficacy and transcriptome changes of inactivated rabies virus vaccine with different adjuvants. Vaccine. (2018), 36(33):5020-5029.
5. Li F, Chen Y, Liu SB, Qi J, Wang WY, Wang CH, Zhong RY, Chen ZJ, Li XM, Guan YZ, Kong W, Zhang Y*. Size-controlled fabrication of zein nano/microparticles by modified anti-solvent precipitation with/without sodium caseinate. Int. J. Nanomedicine. 2017,12: 8197—8209.
6. Feng J, Chen Y, Li F, Cui LL, Shi NQ, Kong W, Zhang Y*. Synthesis, Characterization and in vitro evaluation of a novel glycol chitosan-EDTA conjugate to inhibit aminopeptidase-mediated degradation of thymopoietin oligopeptides. Molecules. 2017, 22(8): 1253.
7. Zhang Y*, Cui LL, Li F, Shi NQ, Li CL, Yu XH, Chen Y*, Kong W. Design, fabrication and biomedical applications of zein-based nano/micro-carrier systems. Int J Pharm. 2016,513(1-2):191-210.
8. Zhang Y*, Feng J, Cui LL, Zhang YB, Li WZ, Li CL, Shi NQ, Chen Y*, Kong W. Investigation into efficiency of a novel glycol chitosan-bestatin conjugate to protect thymopoietin oligopeptides from enzymatic degradation. J Pharm. Sci. (Ronald T. Borchardt Dedicated Issue) 2016,105(2): 828-837.
9. Sun YN, Wang MS, Sun BX, Li F, Liu SB, Zhang Y*, Zhou Y, Chen Y*, Kong W. An investigation into the gastrointestinal stability of exenatide in the presence of pure enzymes, everted intestinal rings and intestinal homogenates. Biol Pharm Bull. 2016,39(1):42-48.  
10. Zhang Y*, Cui LL, Chen Y, Zhang H, Zhong J, Sun YN, Shi NQ, Li CL, Kong W*. Zein-based nanofibres for drug delivery: Classes and current applications. Curr Pharm Des. 2015,21(22):3199-3207.
11. Zhang Y*, Cui LL, Che XX, Zhang H, Shi NQ, Li CL, Chen Y*, Kong W. Zein-based films and their usage for controlled delivery: Origin, classes and current landscape. J Control Release. 2015,206:206-217.
12. Shi NQ*, Qi XR*, Xiang B, Zhang Y. A survey on “Trojan Horse” peptides: Opportunities, issues and controlled entry to "Troy". J Control Release. 2014,194:53-70.
13. Wang MS, Zhang Y, Sun BX, Sun YN, Gong X, Wu YG, Zhang XZ, Kong W*, Chen Y*. Permeability of Exendin-4-Loaded Chitosan Nanoparticles across MDCK Cell Monolayers and Rat Small Intestine. Biol Pharm Bull. 2014,37(5):740-747.
14. Wang MS, Zhang Y, Feng J, Gu TJ, Dong QG, Yang X, Sun YN, Wu YG, Chen Y*, Kong W*. Preparation, characterization, and in vitro and in vivo investigation of chitosan-coated poly (d,l-lactide-co-glycolide) nanoparticles for intestinal delivery of exendin-4. Int. J. Nanomedicine. 2013,8:1141-54.
15. Dong QG, Zhang Y, Wang MS, Feng J, Zhang HH, Wu YG, Gu TJ, Yu XH, Jiang CL, Chen Y*, Li W, Kong W*. Improvement of enzymatic stability and intestinal permeability of deuterohemin-peptide conjugates by specific multi-site N-methylation. Amino Acids. 2012,43(6):2431-41.
16. Wang MS, Sun BX, Feng J, Zhang HH, Liu B, Li C, Chen Y*, Zhang Y*, Kong W. Investigation of transport mechanism of exendin-4 across MDCK cell monolayers. Biol. Pharm. Bull. 2012,35(5):745-52.                
17. Zhang Y*, Deng YJ, Wang XL, Xu JH, Li ZQ*. Conformational and bioactivity analysis of insulin: freeze-drying TBA/water co-solvent system in the presence of surfactant and sugar. Int. J. Pharm. 2009,371(1-2):71-81.
18. Zhang Y, Deng YJ*, Lu M, Duncan Q.M. Craig, Li ZQ*. A spectroscopic investigation into interaction between bile salts and insulin in alkaline aqueous solution. J. Colloid Interface Sci. 2009,337(2):322-331.
19. Hao AJ, Deng YJ*, Li TF, Suo XB, Cao YH, Hao YL, Zhang Y. Degradation kinetics of fluorouracil-acetic-acid-dextran conjugate in aqueous solution. Drug Dev. Ind. Pharm. 2006,32(6):757-63.

20. Hao YL, Deng YJ*, Chen Y, Wang KZ, Hao AJ, Zhang Y.  In-vitro cytotoxicity, in-vivo biodistribution and antitumor effect of PEGylated liposomal topotecan. J. Pharm. Pharmacol. 2005,57: 1279-1287.


1. Zhang Yong*, Cui Lili, Chen Yan and Kong Wei. Chapter 1: Exendin-4 and Its Derivatives for Diabetes and Obesity: Old Story and New Hope. (Invited Chapter), in Ed, Atta-ur-Rahman, Frontiers in Clinical Drug Research- Diabetes and Obesity, Bentham Science Publishers, 2016, volume 3, page: 3-58. DOI: 10.2174/9781681082479116030003; ISBN: 978-1-68108-248-6.

2. 张勇,陈妍. 第十七章 脂质体在其他给药系统中的应用.《脂质体技术》(主编:邓英杰,书号:ISBN:978-7-117-08409-3/R.8410),人民卫生出版社,2007。


1. 张勇,陈妍,孔维。苯丁抑制素乙二醇壳聚糖及其制备方法(专利号201410260315.x)




3.Adjuvants for Vaccine Development. AIDS and Vaccines, 2018.09, Changchun